Telisha has always known she wanted a better life than the one she experienced as a child raised in North Minneapolis. Her childhood was extremely difficult as her mom was in jail, and she was put into the foster system. Telisha never wanted to have to rely on the welfare system as an adult. Her life changed in a big way in February 2010 when she became a mom to her beloved son. She knew her son was a miracle, and she wanted her son’s childhood to be happy.


Telisha worked with me at the NE MN Office of Job Training in 2014 after she moved to Duluth and was on MFIP/public assistance for a short time.  After one meeting with Telisha, I was confident she was going to succeed at getting off of cash assistance quickly. She wasted no time and rapidly secured employment with Wal-Mart after our initial appointment. Telisha proved to be a very responsible and dedicated worker. She was also seeking another more rewarding job while continuing to work at Wal-Mart. Telisha found a job that utilized her compassion, maturity and helpful personality at Center City Housing. She began employment with Center City Housing in December 2014 and has been promoted three times since then. In May 2018 she received the prestigious award called the Minnesota Job Honor Award in Brooklyn Park, MN. This award is presented to individuals who secure successful employment after living through extremely trying situations. On May 18, 2018, Duluth’s Mayor, Emily Larson, declared it to be “Telisha Madison’s Minnesota Job Honor Award Day”.


In April 2019 I saw Telisha at the Northland Career Fair at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center (DECC). This time she wasn’t looking for work but instead was looking to recruit individuals to work on her team at Center City Housing. Telisha assists tenants and can relate to many of the struggles they are experiencing. She recently accepted a new position with CHUM in Duluth as a family coach for the Steve O’Neil Apartments. Telisha is a ray of hope for her tenants and everyone around her. One long term goal she has is to own her own home. I am certain she will achieve that goal! Telisha is a true example of working diligently for what she wants. Congratulations on all of your success Telisha!

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