Northeast Minnesota Virtual Industry Classroom Lesson Plans & Business Tours

An unfortunate myth persists that there aren’t jobs in rural Northeast Minnesota worth staying for after graduating from high school.

A partnership of education and workforce development has come together to dispel some of the more persistent myths about regional career opportunities and ‘lift the veil’ of a myriad of businesses who together keep our regional economy strong.

With support from the IRRRB (Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Board), and True North Stars Perkins Consortium, career centered videos in six industry sectors have been created for JET by Story North Productions. The videos are supplemented with links to lesson plans from various educational organizations that can be used by students, teachers, career counselors, job seekers, and parents to learn about the range of business and industry in our communities

NEMN@Work is a program designed to introduce the people of Northeast Minnesota to the variety of industries that exist in our region.

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