
Seven Counties in Northeast Minnesota

JET (formerly NEMOJT) serves seven counties in Northeast Minnesota: Aitkin, Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake and St. Louis. Our main office is located in Virginia, Minnesota.

Nemojt CareerForce & Community Service Locations

You can find us in CareerForce locations, regional community college campuses and community sites throughout the seven county region.

Programs we work with:  WIOA Adult, WIOA Dislocated Worker, Minnesota State Dislocated Worker, Talent Development Programming (TDP)/Incumbent Worker, WIOA Youth, Minnesota Youth, Pre-ETS Youth, Career EdVenture, Minnesota Family Investment Program, Veterans and 218 Trades.

Possible Services are: Tuition Support, On the Job Training, Career Counseling, Transitional Employment, Work Experience, and Support Services to assist with training, job seeking and keeping employment.


Prior to WIOA and WIA, JET (formerly Northeast Minnesota Office of Job Training) was operated under the federal Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) and Economic Dislocated & Worker Adjustment Assistance Acts (EDWAA). From 1974 to 1982, the agency was operated under the federal Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA), which lets you know that our agency has successfully operated employment and training programs for many years.


WDB membership is defined by WIOA legislation and must have a majority of private sector membership. The remaining members represent education, organized labor, economic development, rehabilitation, public assistance, community-based organizations and employment services.


The LEO Board is comprised of one commissioner from each of the seven counties in the joint powers agreement: Aitkin, Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, and St. Louis.
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