By:  Dave Cook, Career Counselor, NE MN Office of Job Training

Amazing is a word that is really overused, almost to the point of making it meaningless. There are days and times where the action taken by another person is AMAZING in its truest form.

In 2017, Houston was pummeled by Hurricane Harvey. Up to 51″ of rain fell on parts of East Texas. The response from all over America and Mexico to help the people, whose lives may have been ruined, was AMAZING. Actually, because of the enormity of the event, AMAZING may not quite do the response justice.

What Does AMAZING Look Like At NEMOJT?

Obstacles which can be overwhelming, such as family violence, homelessness, promises not fulfilled – over and over, are all things which some of our clients face. To watch and hopefully help a client “climb the same hill” and eventually overcome it is AMAZING.

As you look around, resiliency, grit, tenacity, whatever you may want to call it is in short supply. A person’s resiliency can be worn away when they are looking for work and trying to make ends meet but finding difficulties around every corner.

We get the opportunity to “ride shotgun” while our clients face and overcome obstacles. They write plans, with our help, designed to guide them to employment. Those same plans ferret out other issues which are impeding their progress. By helping to create their plan, we are invested in their success.

Regardless of the size of the obstacle, the pride we see as clients overcome them is –  AHHH  MAZING.

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