If you fall within income guidelines or are receiving public assistance, JET can help you determine how to increase and market your skills to earn a higher wage.
Career Counselors are trained to assist people to make the most effective career decisions through a process of assessing your interests and abilities, identifying the skills you have and teaching you how to maximize them, and in some cases recommend further training or education in a program you will enjoy.
Career Guidance
Working with a Career Counselor will give you the confidence you need to succeed in the workplace and make the most of job opportunities. Support services such as funding for child care, emergency vehicle repair, mileage reimbursement for the job search, clothing for interviews or a new job, emergency financial assistance and miscellaneous healthcare costs are also available for those determined eligible.
On The Job Training
As an eligible adult, you may also qualify for On the Job Training, a unique program designed to entice prospective employers to hire you over someone with more experience. The program essentially reimburses a new employer for half your wages during a specified training period. The reimbursement is meant to offset the cost of spending a little more time training you versus someone who already has the required skills. On the Job Training is available for full-time, permanent positions that offer a good opportunity for the next step on your career path.
Note: On the Job Training contracts can only be developed PRIOR to starting the job.
Classroom Training Fund Scholarships
We fund scholarships each year for youth and adults to attend programs for in demand occupations at approved educational institutions.
Looking to Learn
It’s not always easy to see change as opportunity, but that perspective and determination can make a tremendous difference in how successful the next stage of your life will be.
Our professional career counselors can help you identify a direction and develop a plan of action that may include training or retraining. We’ll also help you prepare for any further education or training.
Work Experience
Work Experience is more than just a job … it’s an opportunity to gain direct workplace-based learning and experience. As an eligible adult, you may qualify for paid Work Experience, a program designed to provide you an opportunity to gain job and workplace skills, including the ability to manage resources, work productively with others, acquire and use information, gain knowledge of business systems, develop sound work habits and behaviors. A Work Experience can help better prepare you for your next job or to provide you a stepping stone to a specific career. Also, in a paid Work Experience, the Office of Job Training pays you a wage while you work for an employer.
You “earn while you learn”!
Career Services
To access any of our services and more, you must first apply. Once your application has been approved, you will be eligible for support services, tuition assistance, and on-the-job training. Contact us to find an office nearest you.