About JET
Celebrating 50 years in workforce development, JET (formerly known as Northeast Minnesota Office of Job Training (NEMOJT)) is a regional unit of government established under a joint powers agreement between the seven counties of Northeast Minnesota. It is the grant recipient and administrative entity of federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds, state and county grants as well as private donations. Equal Opportunity is The Law notice.
According to Dennis Wain, JET’s first Executive Director who served for 33 years retiring in 2007, JET got its start in 1974 in response to the high unemployment throughout the country at the time. Wain worked alongside NE MN county commissioners to start the agency with the first emphasis on getting unemployed workers back into the workforce. Also, the agency created summer job opportunities for close to a thousand youth each year. In later years, JET became known for its services to dislocated workers receiving Unemployment benefits. JET continued to grow as it partnered with the county Social Services departments in the 7-county region to offer specific employment and training services to help recipients transition off of public assistance. Throughout its fifty years, the agency focused on vocational training to meet the needs of industry throughout the region and has been able to adjust their focus as the region’s economy and needs changed over time. Read full article here.
JET serves job seekers, including dislocated workers, people wishing to enter or re-enter the workforce, youth, and adults interested in training and education. Services include career planning and exploration, personalized job search strategies, funding for postsecondary education, and financial resources to support job search activities.
JET is located in CareerForce locations in Duluth, Grand Rapids, International Falls, Hibbing, Virginia, Cloquet, and Aitkin. JET staff also provide services on-site at local community and technical colleges as well as in K12 school districts throughout the region and are available to travel to any site where career guidance is needed.